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About Me

I have lived in Maryland for 22 years, and 18 of those years have been in Charles County. I met my husband Rob at the young age of 22 and we've been together ever since. I often joke that I "Married Maryland," because I started my journey on the West Coast.


I was born in Southern California to an interracial family, a Black father and White mother. We struggled in poverty and my parents eventually separated. At the age of 10, Mom packed what she could and moved me and two siblings to Utah to live with her parents. I spent my formative years near Odgen where I thrived as a student but found myself pregnant at the age of 17. I was given a choice at the time, and I Chose Life! I continued my education and served as Senior Class Vice President while pregnant. Choosing Life would be the catalyst to many successes. A job opportunity would bring my family to Maryland, where I was determined to pursue college. I applied to the University of Maryland, College Park and was accepted into the Theatre Department. I worked nights, studied, and often had my daughter in classes alongside me, when she wasn't attending the campus pre-school. I am proud to be a first-generation college graduate. I've been happily married for over 18 years, and now have three daughters and three sons.

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Community Involvement

I am a small business owner in the construction industry who has operated on multiple non-profit boards as a director, co-chair, or advisor. I serve my local community as the HOA President, and I am a Director for the local Theatres. As a Christian I served as a youth minister and worship leader for a generation. I operate a Homeschooling Center and work as an advisor and advocate for homeschoolers. My remodeling company has had the privilege of renovating two Charles County Women's Shelters in 2020 and 2022. I look forward to serving my community and state for years to come.

Michelle's Top Issues

The Economy

The economy should work for everyone, not just those using welfare programs or those taking advantage of the middle class. It's time to reform and change the system at the heart of American decline. We need to make sure that the economic prosperity is at the center of our policy, this is Michelle's platform to put America on the rise once again:

Fixing the Broken Economy

Lowering Taxes

Decreasing Government Spending

Building Work Force Housing

Lowering taxes on small businesses and the middle class, putting money back in the pockets of hard working-Americans.

Government shouldn't outspend the economy, it's time to review and consolidate programs and reduce overall spending.

Housing across America is too expensive, its time we build work-force housing to reinvigorate America's suffocating economy.

Reducing Inflation

Instead of racking up trillions on the tab of hard-working Americans, ending inflation is simple and Michelle will do just that by lowering spending.


For too long educators and students have been taken advantage of by controlling unions. It is time to return the power to the parents, unions should have never had control over students' curriculums. Michelle is dedicated to rebuilding the institutions to build America's future. That means more funding for school choice initiatives, less control from the Department of Education, and increasing the number of grants and programs for schools that are benefiting students, not benefitting statistics.

Presentation in Class

Rebuilding the Future of American Education

Italian Law Book

Rewriting Education Law

Reforming No Child Left Behind and repealing Common Core Standards.

Elementary Science Class

Building a New Common-Sense Curriculum

Ending and preventing bureaucrats from writing education curriculum, while putting the power back in the hands of the parents and teachers.

Online Class

Parent Transparency in Schools

Building a national registry for parents to check curriculum and be informed of what their children are and will be learning and provide information.


Nationalized School Choice

All parents should have an option to place their children in schools that benefit them to the fullest extent possible.


Crime hurts everybody, people, businesses and even government. It's time we change that, instead of letting prosecutors drop charges for violent crimes, it's time we enforce every crime to the fullest extent of the law. People should not feel unsafe walking in their neighborhood. Michelle will fix this, reinstating mandatory minimums on criminal behavior and crimes.

Presentation in Class

Rescuing America From Crime

Police Cars

Reinstating Mandatory Minimums.

Instead of letting Criminals off with a small fine for violent crime, it's time to punish them and ensure communities are kept safe.

Crime Scene Investigation

Enforcing Stiffer Penalties For Repeat Offenders.

Repeat offenders shouldn't have their sentences lightened. They should face stiffer consequences for their crimes.

Court Room

Crafting New Penalties for Prosecutors Who Refuse to Charge Violent Criminals.

While some prosecutors are minimizing the actions of criminals, congress must enforce stricter protocols for prosecutorial conduct.

Police Tapes

​Creating New Penalties For Theft And Property Damage.

Criminals at a higher rate in nearly forty-years are breaking into vehicles, homes, and other properties. It's time to crack down.

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